Articles from the Sparkives

Creating Reality, Truly Inspirational 10-13-4

New Renaissance 11-2-4

Mud Baths 11-18-4

Changes 11-18-4

Rambles 12-6-4

Practicality 1-7-5

Connected 2-10-5

Value 3-9-5

Everything 5-2-5

Health 5-2-5

Identity 5-2-5

Tips 5-6-5

Enjoy Here 6-3-5

Doing 8-12-5

Float 8-12-5

This Moment 12-30-3 Poem

Sparkives Main

expanded journey

Spark of Inspiration, Sparkives

Creating Reality-- Truly Inspirational

There are those who say that when one looks for positive things in life, and in people, one will see more positive things-- so one's life can seem different from another who focuses upon the negative. After years of research and working through concepts in my personal experience, I take this idea a step further. Not only does the world seem different according to perspective, it is different.

We are each in our own individual "sphere" of reality, not only taking things in differently but actually projecting them out differently, according to our definitions and expectations. We are indeed the creators of our own experience.

This is a connection between quantum physics, 'new thought', and a branch of metaphysics that puts responsibility for people's lives squarely back on each person's shoulders. It is a story as old as life itself, repeated through the ages and interpreted in different ways according to cultures, times, and most of all, perspective. And it is real as one chooses it to be.

This common link says that the physical reality each person experiences is created by her or his overall 'energetic vibration' (think of a chord of music or an electron buzzing about) -- made up of what we choose to focus our attention on, our beliefs about reality, and our expectations about what will happen. I call all of this together a current, like a river that we float on. (Conscious self does hold the oars.) The idea of an electrical current works as well, and may be even more appropriate.

If you've studied quantum physics you probably have known for years that physicists are linking expectation with experience. If you are not familiar with quantum physics, the nutshell version is that the tiniest particles spend most of their time as energy waves ( not particles) and will appear and behave according to what is expected of them. It only makes sense that not-so-sub-atomics would then do the same.

Some would say, "What about GOD?!?" and I say I am not taking Him (Her) away! The infinite Stuff of life itself, that permeates every subatomic everything, the One thing that is All things, All That Is, is still here. Stories through ages have been interpreted in different ways according to what people could understand, and it is my belief that all of these stories are talking about the same Eternal Omnipresent Isness. We are it and it is us. It is not separate.


The drawing teacher whispered, "Why are you hesitating?" into my ear, and it seemed to reverberate through all of space/time. It sounded soft and loud at once, gentle yet powerful beyond beyond my imagination. I knew this was a profound question that didn't just apply to the pencil on the paper in front of me. This was my question to myself, from the eternal part of me who knew I could open up, reach out and grasp more of this life than I'd ever imagined possible. Why hesitate? limitation is illusion, and fear is misplaced belief. The creative process is not limited to the paper, or to the clay, but extends throughout every moment, creates every experience, and ripples out into infinite worlds of probabilities.


Games of limitation can be been fun and definitely enthralling. Previous frameworks allowed for a purity of experience, and for the past few years I have been ready to explore further... sometimes dipping toes, sometimes jumping in and right back out. Overall, absorbing bits and pieces of concepts that resonated with me, things I just knew were 'true', until I had enough pieces to begin putting the puzzles together myself.

It is said that space/time is one thing-- it is a framework with which to experience physical reality. That All, truly, exists right here and right now. Infinite probabilities already exist, and are just different points of view. Back to my 'current', and 'current events':
1. The underlying current of attention/focus/thoughts/expectations attracts probabilities to us in the form of energy.
2. We interpret this energy according to our criteria for 'reality' (again expectations, just like the folks in the labcoats) and voila, create physical experience, now and now and now, entirely refreshed every time anything changes.
The energy all comes from the same Is-- it is not good or bad, positive or negative, unless one decides it is and makes it so.

If we believe life is a struggle we will experience it that way because that is what we will focus on and that's where our 'current' will be. "Dampened", if you will. If we do not believe we have any effect on what happens to us, that we are victims of randomness, that's what we'll experience. Some alternatives are beliefs of safety, that the world is a good place, that people are friendly and life can be fun, even effortless. For a former political activist this was difficult to swallow-- not focus on the 'problems' of the world? But it is not so much putting one's head in the sand as much as realizing the way things work. Everything that is now, has been created this same way.

Infinite probable realities. Every moment is a new probability. Picture sitting in a big digital movie theater. Instead of linear film that only runs forward or backward, you have a small control screen in front of you with many many strips of film lined up next to each other. When one frame is done, you pick the next frame from that strip or any of the adjacent strips. Your attention 'current' is the part of you that chooses what that next frame of your life will be, and the next....

If we've experienced things we do not prefer, it is merely because that is what matched up with our current at the time. We can choose a new direction, focus on some preferable things, take a look at some beliefs/definitions and see if there are any that no longer fit who we prefer to be-- change the current, and change the experience. If you're not already doing this, don't take my word for it-- try it and see for yourself.

If this idea seems new to you, this is just like a 'Quick Start guide'. There are lots of more detailed guides out there, many very helpful ones listed on this site. Use what feels right to you, disregard what does not, and have a fantastic time. :) If it's not new to you, and you feel like sharing your adventures, drop me a line. Let me know if you want me to include something on my 'wall of inspiration'.

October 2004 Beth Shearon