Articles from the Sparkives

Creating Reality, Truly Inspirational 10-13-4

New Renaissance 11-2-4

Mud Baths 11-18-4

Changes 11-18-4

Rambles 12-6-4

Practicality 1-7-5

Connected 2-10-5

Value 3-9-5

Everything 5-2-5

Health 5-2-5

Identity 5-2-5

Tips 5-6-5

Enjoy Here 6-3-5

Doing 8-12-5

Float 8-12-5

This Moment 12-30-3 Poem

Sparkives Main

expanded journey

Spark of Inspiration, Sparkives

Spark's Creation - February 2005 - Connection

(or, what's the link between the spiritual umbrella of Sanctuary and a deliberate creation group called Reality Tweakers?)

What does feeling our Connection mean? Connectedness? Some people think that when I talk about feeling connected I mean connected to Source-- that's true, but it's also more than that. It also means feeling connected to Self.

When we are in that "space", from which we can look out on the world and see the beauty of everything exactly as it is, the cosmic magic of it all, the wonder and the glory of existence itself-- that is feeling connected.

From that space we can see other people's behavior and identify not only with but as them, and know every one of them is doing the best they can with what they've got. We appreciate their idiosyncracies and quirks and can marvel at the complete individuality of literally billions of people.

From that perspective, which seems to be a broader, more expanded perspective, we have compassion and understanding. We have utter appreciation. There is no judgment, no resistance.

It seems more distant-- people say, "How can you ~not~ get upset at ___ (fill in the blank)?" They say, "It is hard-hearted and not compassionate at all to not be turned inside out at ____, what's wrong with you?!" In fact it may be considered "objective distancing", because we recognize our hearts are not hanging in the balance of what another might say or do; our identity is not threatened by anyone else's behavior-- even if they do something different than what we would choose on a personality level.

But is it really "distancing"? No. It is becoming even more intimate. It is a blending in which "the space between" disappears. That state of consciousness, that "space" wherein these realizations are able to occur is the space of oneness. It is the (a) point of view of All That Is, where absolutely everything exists. Everything is unconditionally understood, and allowed, and there is no threat. It is the space in which we recognize who we really are, we ~are~ the "Higher Self," we are the Infinite, and the "other" person is not ~another~ person at all, but Self-- another aspect, completely individual, yet just as much One.

We are safe, we are eternal, we are in the molecules of the trees and the stars and in the breath of life itself.

The reason I made the specific inclusion of Self above is that many people feel it's their holy duty to be compassionate toward others but do not do the same for themselves. Their "divine connection" is kept "out there", twice removed, as if it is separate from them. When we are really feeling connected, we are One and we honor self as well, realizing our personality-self is just as treasured as all the other personality-selves, just as unique and precious.

So what then is "feeling disconnected"? Basically, everything else. If what somebody else does controls how we feel, we are giving them our power, and we feel disconnected. We are standing in ego, feeling separated, limited, and vulnerable. When we give more credit to maya, the temporary reality in front of our faces, than we do to our own ability and choice, that's feeling disconnected. Very simply, we forgot who we were. Because we never ~are~ disconnected, it just ~feels~ like it. We are always connected, always One, while being our dynamic individual selves with all our lovely little weirdnesses.

I think most of us have experienced that perspective of Oneness at least once, if not daily (usually before we get out of bed-- after that, forget it! :D )

So, there's the "connection", the link, between a spiritual umbrella group and a deliberate creation group. One calls it divine enlightenment, the other calls it self-awareness or expanded consciousness, but to me it's all the same thing-- connection. The realization of our true self.

Everything exists-- things we (personalities) would consider morally atrocious and things so beautiful we haven't even dared dream them yet. Existence in all its facets is embraced and supported, because it is.

When we incorporate more of this perspective into our (personalities') daily lives, we turn the energy we've been pumping into judgment, fear and resistance into freedom, choice, and preference. We remember we are not limited. We can get to know our quirky personality-selves on a whole new level, with appreciation and wonder, embracing the creative individuality that is us. We rejoice in choice.

(Can you ~feel~ that or did you just skim it? Rejoice in choice.)

Instead of playing the limitation games of struggle and drama, we can explore our individual preferences through physical experience, ever choosing, experiencing, and choosing again. We become truly free, empowered and alive in a blaze of gratitude, glory, and profound contentment.

Amen, Hallelujah, Blessed Be, and pass the Pepsi,


2005 Spark of Creativity
Beth Shearon