Metaphysical Meanderings


Deliberate Creating, a Fine Art?

Energy work/healing

Body Stuff

The Idea of Lessons

Let's Talk About Forks, Baby

Challenge: What to do when the sh!t hits the fan

Challenge Part Two: Priorities

a little Elias stuff

a little Bashar stuff

A Metaphysical Workshop Story

Melchizedek: A Research Story and Ponderings


The Dark and the Light


expanded journey


The Fine Art of Creating Reality

I'd wondered whether to put this section of expression under the site of Fine Art, but truly it is a Fine Art, possibly the Finest. When I started facilitating the deliberate creation group Reality Tweakers in 2004 it amazed me how many people wanted a "pill" form of solution for their challenges-- they didn't want to read or research, or pay attention to what they were doing or feeling, or get to know themselves at all-- they just wanted an instant fix.

It was amazing to me because once I discovered some of these ideas I couldn't get enough, I wanted to soak up as much of it as I could get! It felt so right even if I didn't have all the details, so I read more, researched more, experienced more from the new points of view, more data, more exploring, and generally wanting to see just how far this went. What are the parameters, what can I change and what can I not? What is me and what is else? I was enamored and immersed, and it affected every aspect of my life. So for people to pop in and want an instant fix for something while ignoring the complexities and the wonderment involved here-- that was just beyond me.

This is not the department for instant fix. :) In fact many times when we explore these ideas we can wind up having a bunch more on our hands and shoulders than we'd ever expected! This does not need to be, but can be, one of the most challenging things we've ever explored. And there IS a Fine Art to untangling ourselves from everything we were ever taught about reality being "out there", completely and entirely separate from us and oblivious to whether we're there or not.

The reward for the exploration can be beauty, self-empowerment, awe, wonder, clarity, ability, power, balance, compassion, understanding and insight beyond our wildest dreams-- or maybe these ARE our wildest dreams, calling to us, reminding us who we are. Not to mention, health, ease, fun, abundance, play, :)

And yes the "instant fix" idea can happen as well, set a deliberate intention with knowing and let it go, and many times it works, and people will be off again ignoring themselves until they create for themselves another jam. :) The jams are there to point us back home, back to who we really are, because that's where we're truly happiest even if we don't realize it while in the middle of playing stock broker or attorney or ________ (whatever). There is nothing wrong with any of it, run, play, hide-and-seek, drama of the week, it matters not. Enjoy. You will always be there when you are ready to remember who you are.

2007 Beth Shearon