Metaphysical Meanderings


Deliberate Creating, a Fine Art?

Energy work/healing

Body Stuff

The Idea of Lessons

Let's Talk About Forks, Baby

Challenge: What to do when the sh!t hits the fan

Challenge Part Two: Priorities

a little Elias stuff

a little Bashar stuff

A Metaphysical Workshop Story

Melchizedek: A Research Story and Ponderings


The Dark and the Light


expanded journey


Challenge: what to do when the sh!t hits the fan


I know easier said than done, right? But our stress is kept in beta consciousness, our beta brain-wave levels. Beta is normal waking consciousness, alpha is a light trance state, theta is a deeper trance state/sleep and delta is usually sleep. Here is a link if you want more info:

Moving into alpha or a deeper relaxed state actually physiologically helps remove stress from the picture, not only relaxing the body but also because we are no longer linking to those same sorts of ideas that can frustrate us. You can have them back later if you want. For now, let them go, set them aside.


Turn off the news, put the newspaper down. A hundred years ago in many rural areas people only got together once a week or less and were only talking about the community-- these days we're bombarded by the 'best' of an entire world's worth of 'news', and while we pride ourselves on knowing everything, we also become overwhelmed more easily because of it. The body is not designed to deal with that sort of constant bombardment of data that has nothing to do with its immediate surround. It's no wonder we feel stressed.

Many people have benefitted from taking a year or two off from mass media altogether, since there are so many societal expectations reflected even in sit-coms and magazines that can steer us away from our natural (happy) selves. So for a little while at least, stop thinking about everything that is not currently in your surround. Unless of course it is your surround that is the challenge, in which case,


Watch a movie, read a book, do something you enjoy for a little while. Move-- go for a walk, or a run or a drive. Not only can it help take your mind off what's bugging you, it can also be relaxing or invigorating and can allow your vibration to raise to a frequency at which clearer answers can be seen.


Get a hobby, or do the one you've always been wanting to get back to. I don't want to hear "too busy" -- ten minutes if that's all you have, do it. :) When we immerse ourselves in our passion or contentment many weightier things fall away, concerns can become non-concerns, and insights can fall right into the leftover space.


It boggles the mind sometimes but we get caught in loops and sometimes don't even see them -- we can make different choices. If the same choices are bringing the same frustrations, change things up, do something differently. Taking small steps in the direction of accomplishing a preferred thing always feels better to me, even if it seems an insurmountable task.

Many of our new energy people have an inner knowing of things happening automatically and instantly (we remember this from nonphysical) so it can be incredibly frustrating that things can take some time here and maybe even some action. Behavior is part of the equation that creates our experience, and sometimes no matter how long we "om" on it, we have to take some action before a change can be seen. It is best to act from a feeling of inspiration if possible, so see it the way you want it first, get the feeling of that, and then take action.

2007 Beth Shearon